You’re going to need Dolphin Emulator and Dolphin Memory Engine, as well as a copy of the game you want to make a code for. For this example, I will be using Skies of Arcadia: Legends. Open Dolphin and run the game of your choice, then run Dolphin Memory Engine and select [Hook].
You need to decide what memory address you want to find. For this tutorial, I will be searching for the player’s Gold. Starting with the selection [4 bytes (Word)], I search for my current Gold, 0. However, there are 2741903 results...
You need to narrow down the results by repeating searches with new values. When I sell an item, my Gold goes up and I enter the new value in the search bar and select [Next scan]. By repeating this, I narrowed my results from 2741903 down to 1!
You need to make sure that the final result is the right value. As a test, I used DME to change the value to [123456] and then checked again in the game. My Gold indeed changed to 123456! Now I’ve confirmed which memory address keeps track of the player’s Gold. This step is most important when you still have several results, as you can determine which result is the right one by checking which one actually updates the value in the game.
You need to note down the memory address as well as the value you want it to be in hexadecimal. By right-clicking the value and selecting [Browse memory at this address…], I can see both at once: the memory address is [8030BB40] and the value of 123456 in hexadecimal is [0001E240].
Refer to the Action Replay code types over at Enhacklopedia to make your code! For this example, I want to make a code that makes the player’s Gold always equal 123456. Setting a memory address equal to a value is a RAM Write, so we look to the [RAM Write and Fill] section. Next, because we want to write a whole Word, we look to the [32-Bit] section (4 bytes = 32 bits). By plugging in our desired address and value to the template shown, we create the code: [0430BB40 0001E240]!
Add the code to Dolphin and test it out in the game. Even when I buy or sell items, my Gold stays at 123456. Success! Continue on to Tutorial 2 to learn more.