Action Replay Codes - Categories

Hydra Menu

Hold L+R+X during an area transition to warp to a debug menu allowing you to skip to different points of progression throughout the game. It’s all in Japanese, so refer to the attached translation chart (translations by GunyenTony).
Note 1: This code may have unintended consequences if used on a save file that already has progress, it is recommended to only use this code on a backup save or New Game.
Note 2: Don't hold L+R+X while flying in the overworld as it may cause errors.

Note 3: An English translation patch is available in the Mods section .
Show Code 4c311d1c 00000460
04311ac4 00000163
00311ac8 00000061

Fast Travel Menu/Sailors Isle Menu Activator

Enables a debug fast travel feature where you can talk to your helmsman and select a destination once you are at the end of the game. It also enables a debug menu in Sailors Isle where you can start any ship battle, wanted battle, Piastol battle, or two of the final battles. You can also get goodies like Chams, Moonfish, Moonberries, Auras of Valor, and Captain’s Stripes. Both of these menus are in Japanese, so refer to the attached translation charts (translations by GunyenTony).
Note 1: This activator will persist across saves, it is recommended to use it on a backup save file.

Note 2: An English translation patch for the Sailors Isle Menu is available in the Mods section .
Show Code 00310c9e 000000ff

Select Unused Battle Stages

Hold these buttons during a battle transition to fight on these unused stages:
LRY+Dpad Up = Upper Sky
LRY+Dpad Down = Lower Sky
LRY+Dpad Right = Debug Sky
Show Code 0c311d1c 00000868
003097f5 0000007f
0c311d1c 00000864
003097f5 0000007e
0c311d1c 00000862
003097f5 00000018